Solutions to Common Problems in Organic Fertilizer Fermentation

Solutions to Common Problems in Organic Fertilizer Fermentation...

Solutions to Common Problems in Organic Fertilizer Fermentation

(picture: Solutions to Common Problems in Organic Fertilizer Fermentation)

Solutions to Common Problems in Organic Fertilizer Fermentation  


First, the temperature is slow: the stack is not warmed or heated slowly

Possible cause and solution:

  1. The raw material is too wet: the dry material is added according to the ratio of the material, and then stirred.
  2. Theraw materials is to dry: According to humidity, add water or moist material, maintain moisture at 45% -55%.
  3. There is no sufficient nitrogen source: add a nitrogen-containing high ammonium sulfate to maintain the carbon nitrogen ratio at 20: 1.
  4. The stack is too small or the weather is too cold: a high stack of high stacks, adding a degradable substance such as corn stalk.
  5. PH is too low: When the pH is less than 5.5, it can be added with lime or wood as average, and the fermented pile of acid is adjusted.


Second, the stack is too high: the stack of temperature in the fermentation is ≥ 65 ° C.

Possible cause and solution:

  1. Poor gas permeability: regular flush, increase fermentation stack gas permeability.
  2. The bulk body is too large: reduce the size of the stack.


Third, there is a smell: from the stack of odorous egg flavor or corruption of odor.

Possible cause and solution:

  1. The content of ammonia is too high (C / N less than 20): disinfecting deodorization using deodorant, and added carbon high substances such as crop straw, peanut shell, rice husk, etc.
  2. The PH value is too high: add acidic substances (calcium phosphate) to reduce pH to avoid using alkaline ingredients (lime).
  3. The ventilation is uneven or the airflow is not smooth: re-mixture, change the formulation.
  4. The material stack is dense: Re-mixing body adds large granules as appropriate according to the material density.
  5. Anaerobic environment: Regular flushing, increase the oxygen content in the heap.


Four, Mosquito-fly reproduction : Mosquito-fly reproduction was found in the fermentation pile.

Possible causes and solutions :

1.Raw materials stacking time is too long before fermentation : rapid processing of raw materials, surface spraying probiotics deodorizer, reduce odor, reduce mosquitoes.

2.Fresh feces covered on the surface of the pile to breed mosquitoes and flies : every 4-7 days piled on the surface of the static pile covered 6cm compost layer.


Five. Material agglomeration : there is a large part of the fermentation material in the stack, and the structure is inconsistent.

Possible causes and solutions :

  1. Uneven or inadequate mixing of raw materials : improvement of the initial mixing method。
  2. Inhomogeneous airflow or lack of surrounding : sorting or crushing compost, improve air distribution.
  3. Raw materials contain bulky and non-degradable or slow-degradation materials : sorting compost, crushing and finishing raw materials。
  4. The composting process did not end : extending fermentation time or improving fermentation conditions.



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